Calvary Chapel Carson City
Wednesday Night Live
January 29, 2025
Galatians 3
Paul reproofs blurred vision
Vs. 3:1
Paul confronts the departure from Faith
Vs. 3:2-3
Paul questions their past experience and conversion
What you experienced, he asks, was it in vain.
Vs. 3:4
Paul challenges them to examine the source of the ministry
Vs. 3:5
Paul appeals to a foundation of familiar
Vs. 3:6
This is quite genius!:
Always consider who you’re talking to
Consider their background
Consider their heritage, culture, belief system
Consider what you know together as familiar
Use and build common ground first, not uncommon
True Sons of Abraham
Vs. 3:7
This again, is genius
Is it a challenge of strong examination or a strong rebuke.
Righteousness by faith/the end of elitism and exclusion/all means all
Va. 3:8-9