
Galatians 1-6; Acts 15:1-29; Philippians 3:1-9 

Introduction and Overview of Galatians 

A Christian’s Personal Declaration of Independence; 
Paul’s Prelude to Romans 

Galatians 1-6; Acts 15:1-29; Philippians 3:1-9 

The Main Theme:
 The law vs faith;  
our freedom from bondage through Jesus Christ.
What are Judaizers?
Paul’s Tone:  
Strong, Blunt, Direct, Brief, Repetitive, In your face. 

Unique things about the letter:
* Paul’s intro is different to his other letters 
* The word “Law” appears 32 times 
* The word “Faith” appears 21 times 
* The word “Gospel” appears 12 times                                         
* 10 of which in the first two chapters 
* It’s a short letter with a little over 2,000 words

Outline of Galatians: 
Chapters 1-2: Paul’s qualifications and defense of the True Gospel 
Chapters 3-4: Paul’s Doctoral teaching & Our freedom from the law 
Chapters 5-6: Practical living in freedom through Christ.

Paul’s Qualifications: 
Who, What, When, Where, Why: 
Key verses In Galatians 
• 1:10 1:12 
• 2:4 2:16 2:20,21  
• 3:1, 3:10,11 3:21,22 3:24 3:28 
• 4:7  
• 5:1 5:18-21 5:22 
• 6:8 6:13 

Grace vs Law  
Oil and Water 
Christ is our emulsifier 
Grace….. Law….. 

Grace Is based on faith (2:16)   
Law is based on works (2:16) 

Grace Justifies sinful men (2:16, 17) 
Law is unable to result in justification(2:16; 3:11) 

Grace both starts and ends with Christ (2:20)  
The Law nullifies Christ (5:2)
Grace is the way of The Spirit (3:2)  
Law is the way of flesh (3:3) 

Grace is a blessing (3:14)  
Law is a curse (3:13) 

Grace results in putting on Christ (3:27) 
Law results in estrangement from Christ (5:4) 

Grace adopts as sons (4:6)  
Law keeps us slaves (4:7) 

Grace brings freedom and liberty (5:1)  
Law results in slavery and bondage (4:7,5:1-2) 

Grace gives us the Spirit which results in power over the flesh (5:16)  
Law depends on flesh which leads to death (5:19-21) 

Grace is motivated by love (5:13-14) 
Law motivated by pride (6:13) 

Grace is centered on the cross (6:14)  
Law centers on our work, circumcision, and self ability (5:11; 6:12–15)