2024 05 May 26  Heb.3:7-19  Outline

Title: Lessons From An Example & Encouraged To Endure



Heb.1-3: Jesus Is Better Than The Prophets, Angels, And Moses

Heb.2:1—Don’t Drift Away; Heb.3:6—Don’t Lose Confidence; Heb.3:7-19—Unbelief 


Lessons From An Example (Heb.3:7-11)(1 Cor.10:1-13)

Therefore; Holy Spirit Says; Do Not Harden Your Hearts (Second Warning)

Urgency Regarding Unbelief (v.7)—Today (Jas.4:13-14; 2 Cor.6:2)


Command About Unbelief (v.8-9)—Do Not Harden Your Hearts. Tempted & Provoked God (Ex.17:1-7; Num.20:1-13). Pharoh (Ex.8:15) & God (Ex.9:12)(Gen.6:3; 2 Cor.6:2; Isa.45:22)


The Result & By-Product Of Unbelief (v.10-11)—No Rest (Deut.1:2; Num.14:33-34; Deut.12:9)(2 Cor.5:8; John 16:33; Phil.4:6-7; Eph.2:14)

Encouraged To Endure (Heb.3:12-19)

An Evil Heart (v.12)—From Unbelief (Jer.17:9). Beware; Heart; Departing. What Is An Evil Heart Of Unbelief? What Causes An Evil Heart Of Unbelief? (Heb.3:7,13,15)


An Exhorting Heart (v.13)—Encourage Daily (Today)(Jas.4:13-14). Time Is Short. Deceitfulness Of Sin. Lev.13—Leprosy


An Embracing Heart (v.14-15)—Partakers. Hold Fast To The End (Heb.3:6; John 15:4,6; Col.1:23)


Final Warning, An Exhortation (v.16-18)—Q & A. Rebellion (v.16); Provocation (v.17); Retribution (v.18). Correlation Between Faith, Belief, Obedience.

Conclusion (v.19)—Unbelief Shuts A Person Out. Faith (2 Cor.5:7; Rom.12:3; Matt.8:10,26; Luke 17:5-6). What Is The Object Of Your Faith? Where Are You Placing Your Faith? Rest.