Calvary Chapel Carson City
Sunday Morning Live
March 2, 2025
Let us draw near
Exhort one another
Hebrews 10
Having Boldness/Fearless Confidence
Equipped with Boldness/Ability/Sure & Steadfast
See: Vs. 24,32-34
Three problems settled:
Moral and spiritual pollution
A true heart
In full assurance
Of faith
Having our heart sprinkled
From an evil conscience
Our bodies washed
With Pure Water
Let us:
Draw near
Holding fast
Heb. 10:22-24
Moody-This Book/Bible…
Spurgeon- reinstating works is to rehang the Veil
Bible Front cover or first blank page inscriptions:
Holding fast….. the confession of our Hope
Without wavering….HOW?
Because He Who promised is Faithful!!!!!
Be exhorted in the truth!
By being: rooted, grounded, confirmed, established in truth
By Exhorting One another in Christ!
Heb. 10:24
Let us:
Stir up
Not forsaking
More and more
As we receive the Day approaching
Not forsaken the Fellowship
Why We gather:
To worship and glorify God corporately
To receive from God
To give something to God
To encourage one another by our Faith and con
To bless one another
To work together with one another
All the more
As we see the Day approaching
The willful rejection which leads to destruction
Heb. 10:26-31
Don’t let forsaking root in.
It’s dangerous and destructive
But Recall/take heart
Heb. 10:32-34
Rocks of Remembrance!
Phótizó (fo-tid-so) describes the transformative power of God's truth and the revelation of Jesus Christ as The Light of the World.
Remembering a better and enduring possession
Vs. 34
What was endured?
Seven things equaling the victory of the eighth.
Companions with those who suffered
Identification with the writer and his suffering
Acceptance of plunder
A better and enduring possession in heaven
The point is clear: “God’s got this, God’s got us,
therefore in Him, through Him, we got this!“
Strength for today/the future…
Is found in Victories and endurance of the past
Heb. 10:35-39