Review: Spiritually Immature (Heb.5:11-14)—Dull Of Hearing, Can’t Teach,
Can’t Eat Solid Food, Unable To Discern Good And Evil.

 Spiritually Mature (Heb.6:1-12)—Generally They Leave The Elementary
(Beginning) Principles Of Christ and Proceed To Maturity (Perfection).

Spiritually Mature: Leave The Basics (Heb.6:1-2), Depend On God
(Heb.6:3), Don’t Crucify Christ Again And Shame Him (Heb.6:4-6), Bear Fruit
(Heb.6:7-8), Minister To Others (Heb.6:9-10), Diligent (Heb.6:11-12)

1 st Characteristic: Leave The Basics (Heb.6:1-2)—Perfection=maturity.
Repentance, Faith, Baptisms, Laying On Of Hands, Resurrection, Eternal Judgment

 2 nd Characteristic: Depend On God (Heb.6:3)—God Enables & Strengthens
Us To Grow In Maturity