Calvary Chapel Carson City

Sunday Morning Live

July 21, 2024 

Hebrews 5

Psalm 110

Jesus Christ: Our Great High Priest

Melchizedek Priesthood

Location, location, location

Context, context, context

Focus, Focus, Focus


In Short Order and not exclusive

Keeping the main thing the main thing

Hebrews: The Main Thing: the Superiority of Christ

Psalm 110

Greater than David

Unique privileged conversation between:

The Lord said to my Lord

Now on to the manifold lessons to be learned:

Christ’s Compassion 

Heb. 5::7-8

The experience of obedience

… by learning things which He suffered.

The great pains of learning!

His prayers and supplications were heard

Heard because of godly fear

True obedience

Jesus obeyed in:

Life challenges

Life itself

As a child and grew in grace

As a man 

Openly and privately

The Father

Rightful human authority

In all things, even to the end


“Obedience is a trade to which every man must be apprenticed until he has learned it…”

The Missionary’s Master

John 13:13

Our perfect Savior

Heb. 6:9-11a

No other Author


Heb. 5:11b