Col. 1:9-14 THE CENTRAL POINT OF HIS PRAYER IS: V.10 – ‘WE PRAY THIS IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY LIVE A LIFE WORTHY OF THE LORD AND MAY PLEASE HIM IN EVERY WAY’ This passage gives us a picture of what our lives should look like according to God’s Standards. God has given us Everything we Need for Salvation: Through the Cross and Blood of Jesus Col.1:12-14 Qualified you to share in the inheritance of His Holy people. 1.What inheritance: Salvation, We Inherit Eternal life. *You did not earn it, but you Receive it! 2. Holy People--God has made you Holy. 3. Kingdom of Light--Brought you out the dominion of Darkness into His Kingdom! 4. Redemption--Redeemed, purchased. *Redeemed by the Blood of the lamb! 5. The forgiveness of Sins!! 6. These are the many Blessings we have from God through Jesus!!! Not to Earn Salvation… We could never do that! IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY ‘LIVE A LIFE WORTHY OF THE LORD' Worthy: (Approval)--God deserves the very best from you. * You owe God your very best* Live: (Walk)--Paul’s purpose in writing is to affect the way they ‘Live’ their life. Pleasing--Summarizes Worthy by saying: 'May Please Him in every way’. A worthy life is a life that Pleases God! A Life that God is pleased with! BEARING FRUIT IN EVERY GOOD WORK Bearing Fruit--God’s standard for us as His people is for us to Bear Fruit. GROWING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD