Calvary Chapel Carson City Calvary Chapel Carson City
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Pastor Patrick Propster
Pastor Patrick Propster
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sermon Notes:
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Calvary Chapel Carson City
Sunday Morning Live
September 15, 2024 


2 Timothy 4
Romans 12:1
Ephesians 2:8 


Essentials to Finishing Well
The Saint’s Perseverance 


Finishing well, comes from,
Living and Doing well, which comes from,
Starting and Beginning well, can only be achieved by,
Spending time daily at the WELL


Finishing well as a result of daily living well
Epitaphs should be lived not requested.  


Daily personal communion with God
Relationship is the fruit that comes from the root. 


Daily acknowledging the Gospel in our lives
Daily gratitude leads to life of gratitude
“As the Father sent Me so send by you.”
20:20 leads to 20:21


Committing ourselves to God as living sacrifices
The appeal, 
Old Covenant requirements now New Covenant appeal


Firmly trusting and believing in the Sovereignty and Love of God
Not losing heart while being conformed 
Romans 8 
One of the most amazingly complete chapters in all the Bible!